


OSPStargetsToday the Owen Sound Police Service has released a survey on behalf of the Owen Sound Police Services Board inviting the public to offer their input about the police service. The data from the completed survey’s will assist the Police Services Board with preparing its Police Business Plan for the next three years in the City of Owen Sound.

The sixteen-question Community Survey gives the public an opportunity to provide feedback with an easy-to-use online clickable link. If you prefer to print a copy or to use a hardcopy format it may be dropped at the Owen Sound Police station or at Owen Sound City Hall.

The Owen Sound Police Service wants to know how you feel about services delivered, responses to policing issues and seeks any comments that you have about what matters to the future 3 years for the police service.

The link is available at: https://bit.ly/2oKArcD or at www.owensoundpolice.com or you can access the survey from our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook pages.

Your input is valuable and we encourage you to take a few minutes to assist with the planning of policing for the next three years.

source: media release


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