


shoppersThe holidays are the busiest time of year for retail sales. With more customers and transactions, managers and employees must be more vigilant over store activities and have additional strategies in place to prevent theft, shoplifting and robbery from occurring. Grey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) offer the following crime prevention tips to reduce losses:

- Increase staffing levels during the holidays in line with expected customers.

- Train all employees, including seasonal workers, how to identify counterfeit bills.
Helpful resources:;

- Greet all customers as they enter your store and make eye contact with each one. Continue to engage them throughout their visit.

- Step up your efforts when visitors behave suspiciously i.e. scanning the store for staff and cameras, and those appearing to conceal items.

- Cash receipts will increase during this time. Deposit excess cash in a drop safe. Make more frequent and random trips to the bank.

- Keep small, valuable items in locked cases near the cash register.

- Lock up offices, dressing rooms not in use, employee purses and cell phones.

- Consider a bag check for customers with backpacks, large bags and purses.

- Use the buddy system when locking up the store and taking out the trash.

- Car prowls increase in shopping areas during the holidays. Remind customers not to leave their purchases in plain view inside the vehicle. Stow them in the trunk or at least conceal them the best you can.

- Report suspicious activity to police immediately.

Anyone interested in picking up a free "OPP Robbery Prevention Kit" may do so between normal business hours; 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Chatsworth OPP Detachment located on Hwy. 6 & 10 just north of Chatsworth.

source: media release, Grey County OPP


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