Georgina McKelvie recently donated $80,000 to the Owen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation to help ER physicians and staff maintain their emergency medicine skills. Georgina and her husband Ray are long time Foundation donors, community boosters, and Attack hockey team supporters. Ray is the team’s Director of Business Operations, and Georgina ...
Notice came in my email that my fall bulb order is on the way. I placed the order back in July, so now I need to dig through my records to remember ...
- by Jonathon Jackson
My wife and I returned to my home area, Grey and Bruce counties, on Thanksgiving weekend earlier this month. Part of the visit involved a trip into Owen Sound, my birthplace and the largest community in either county. I’m proud of being from Owen Sound and I like to come home for various reasons every few weeks.
We had our grandson, Briar, with us. Briar is five years old and, like me, he was born in Owen Sound, but ...
The Grey Bruce Health Unit is working to lessen concerns and manage unwarranted anxiety in the community as related to a cluster of COVID-19 cases in the Municipality of South Bruce Peninsula.
Some of the seven cases associated with this cluster did not have their guard up over the past two weeks, including Thanksgiving weekend ...
- by Anne Finlay-Stewart and Abbey Blokland
It's a short walk across the street, and a huge leap for Melanie Middlebro', the new owner of The Rocking Horse, "Toys for thinking minds since 1977".
The question “why did you want to own a toy store?” seemed silly as soon as I asked it – who doesn't dream of owning a toy store? But although Melanie is clearly delighted with her new adventure, it is not her first. ...
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