2022 City Election


vote keyThe 2022 Municipal Election is fast approaching. For anyone proposing to be a candidate for the 2022 Municipal Election on October 24, 2022, there is less than one week left to submit your nomination papers.

Candidates interested in running for local offices (municipality and school board) ...

pexels sadia abdul 9770330 crop- by Jon Farmer

As we prepare for the municipal election, this is an ideal time to think about the relationship that we expect between City Hall and the community at large. If we expect residents to be active partners with the City in addressing community challenges then we need to make sure that residents have a meaningful role and voice in City discussions and decision making processes. There are tools that can help us to think about how involved residents are currently and what we can aspire to for community involvement.

vote key - by Jon Farmer

Owen Sound residents will vote between October 14 and 24th to elect a mayor, deputy-mayor, and seven councillors. Municipal elections are opportunities to think about the present and future of our city and for the community to articulate a vision..

owensoundaerial - by Michael Craig and Jan Chamberlain, Co-Chairs, Rebound Owen Sound

Owen Sound is a great place to live, a marvelous small city, surrounded by forests and farms. We tease our smog-bound, traffic-snarled Toronto friends that there are fifteen beautiful trails within fifteen minutes. And it’s a city too, filled with artists and musicians and sports and theatre events week after week. What’s not to love!

Well, in truth, there’s quite a bit ...

jonfarmerLocal non-violence advocate, arts promoter, and facilitator Jon Farmer has registered as a candidate for Owen Sound City Council. The 31 year old father filed his papers on June 27 to appear on the ballot for the municipal election on October 24.

 “I’m running for City Council because I love Owen Sound and because I want to be part of the team working on solutions to the complex challenges facing our community,” Farmer said in a release. ...


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