


champagner-toasting-new-year-s-eve-drinkAs we get into the holiday season, the Grey Bruce Health Unit hopes you'll Rethink Your Drinking. Almost 25% of Grey Bruce residents age 12 and over are heavy drinkers, defined as having five or more alcoholic drinks on one occasion, once a month or more. Rethink Your Drinking encourages moderation or low-risk drinking to reduce the risks associated with alcohol.

"Drinking too much, too often is a concern," says Jason Weppler, Health Promoter with the Grey Bruce Health Unit. "People often don't know the consequences of over-drinking, both short and long-term."

During a night of celebration, it's easy to lose track of....

between-our-steps-2016-dec-14-doubleA friend's Facebook post reminded me that between November 1 and January 15, there will be twenty-nine celebrations in the seven major world religions. I would guess there will be a few others in those traditions that the particular person counting missed. The point is rather obvious: we say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" because many people are celebrating different events, different  ...

gaspumps-by David Walton

Last year Margaret Klein Salamon PhD, a cofounder of the Climate Mobilization movement (U.S.), shared a dire message. Her premise is that the Climate Crisis is so imminent that we need a wartime style mobilization to save the planet.

Climate Mobilization has produced a Pledge to...

TooniesAndToysGSThe Owen Sound Attack's annual Toonies & Toys Campaign will take place on Saturday, Dec. 10 when the Kingston Frontenacs make their lone visit of the year to the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre.

In partnership with the Owen Sound Fire Department, Toonies & Toys looks...

Georgiansign-featureNot sure which career path or program is right for you? Find out more about Georgian College at Community Night – your opportunity to learn about our programs and services in a friendly, informative...


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