


social supportOn March 23, 2020, the Province of Ontario announced a new, $200 million Social Services Relief Fund in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The investment will allow communities to expand a wide range of services and supports for vulnerable populations, based on local need, so they can better respond to this...

Bruce Power NPX1 3D Printer2Bruce Power and NPX Innovation, with the support of community organizations such as the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library (OSNGUPL) and Launchpad, are using their 3D printers to produce plastic face shields to help fill critical shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for front-line health-care workers in the fight...

Sarahs BraceletThe REACH Centre has been significantly impacted by this pandemic including the cancellation of two major fundraisers, Walk to REACH and our next epic play production REACHing for Wonderland, and a drastic drop in donations as people are feeling the pressure of the loss of income. Our hope is to reschedule these events but the impact on our operations now is potentially devastating.

We have been advocating with local government on behalf of families. . .

maskgirlStatement from the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health

Canadian public health guidance related to COVID-19 has been changing as the evidence base and our understanding of COVID-19 is rapidly evolving. We are continually looking at the evidence as it is being produced and working with. . .

covidtestTesting and case counts reported as of 15:30 hrs, April 20, 2020:

· 0 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce

· 63 cases to date (current cumulative total)...


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