


classroomAs part of the plan in response to the emergence of COVID-19, the Ontario Ministry of Education has cancelled all Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) assessments for the 2019-20 school year.

This includes...

temporarily closed signThe Government of Ontario announced that it is taking decisive action by making an order declaring an emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

Although the likelihood of cases in Grey Bruce remains lower than other areas of the province, where these actions are currently most needed, the Medical Officer of...

brucepowerThe Bruce Power site continues to generate one-third of Ontario’s electricity and we are committed to maintaining this important reliability moving forward to ensure the province can count on a stable supply of electricity.

We will deliver this, in cooperation with our Unions, while protecting our people and following guidance from the...

Grey Bruce Public Health UnitThe Grey Bruce Health Unit is cancelling all clinical services until further notice.

Clinics and services include:

- dental services in Owen Sound, Markdale, Walkerton and...

epidemicThree COVID-19 Assessment Centres will open in the Grey Bruce region this week to help identify and triage patients with symptoms of COVID-19.
The Assessment Centres will help expand hospital capacity to assess and screen patients who have...


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