


garbageAre you setting out your garbage and recycling correctly?

Grey County plow operators are seeing many improperly placed waste bins and want to remind residents to keep their garbage and recycling off roads...

bwdsb front doorThe Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) have announced that a one-day full withdrawal of services will be occurring at select school boards across the province on Friday, February 28, 2020. According to the notice we received from OSSTF, Bluewater District School Board will be included among...

Award Presentation Feb 20More than three years ago the Museum and Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) began a journey to create a new space dedicated to showcasing local Indigenous heritage and culture. The “Anishnaabwe Endaat – Where We Live” exhibit opened in November 2018 and was created in collaboration with SON members...

rallyOrganized Labour and friends of labour are preparing to converge on Niagara Falls on February 22nd.

Grey Bruce Labour Council President, Kevin Smith notes for the record, “Lead by the most unsuitable and unqualified Premier in more than a generation, Premier Doug Ford’s Ontario Conservatives will be attending their policy convention at the Scotiabank Convention Centre...

load restrictionsReduced load restrictions of 5 tonnes per axle will take effect on many Grey County roads beginning March 1.

Roads are at their most vulnerable in the spring as frost leaves the ground. Load restrictions help extend the lifespan of the road surface by minimizing...


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