


SAVENot everyone has the ability to care for themselves during an emergency or a disaster. Grey County is testing new technology that will help medical and emergency response agencies locate vulnerable people during a crisis.

"With changes in the health care system over the years we are seeing more people with complex medical conditions managing their health from...

stopgapAndy Underwood has been a Dr. Cobbler customer for years, but this afternoon he was inside for the very first time.
Underwood was the first person to use the portable StopGap ramp at the downtown Owen Sound store to launch a small project that will make a big difference....

bwdsb appBluewater District School Board is excited to announce the launch of a brand new mobile app to broaden communication and better connect with parents/guardians, students, staff, and the community. Users can now download the free app on their Apple iOS or Android mobile devices by visiting the App Store or Google Play, or through the launch page on the board website at...

chamber all candidates debateConcerns of business cannot be ignored this election campaign.

The Owen Sound and Ontario Chambers of Commerce (OCC) are mobilizing this election to bring their recommendations in Vote Prosperity to political leaders and local candidates across the province. Over the course of the campaign, local chambers and boards of trade will be boldly pushing the Vote Prosperity message...

internetSouthWestern Integrated Fibre Technology Inc. (SWIFT) now represents all six consortiums in their catchment area. New members include Connecting Windsor-Essex (CW-E), Chatham Kent Lambton Administrators Group (CKLAG), London & Region Global Network (LARG*net), Niagara CIO Consortium (NCC), Simcoe Community Access Network (SCAN), and the Waterloo Region Education & Public Network (WREPnet). This means that SWIFT now represents the...


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