On Thursday, the Province of Ontario announced an extension to the Stay-at-Home Order until June 2, 2021.
The announcement brings no major changes to City operations, however, residents are reminded that City Hall remains closed to the ...
Alexandra Eagles are ‘getting into nature’ in a big way! From May 17th until May 31st, Alexandra School is hosting their first ‘Get Into Nature Photography Challenge’. Over the next two weeks, our families are being challenged to spend quality time in the ...
Chatting with a friend via zoom, she mentioned that she is examining for the Royal Conservatory remotely. Before Covid, three times a year, she would take time away from home to ...
“I am deeply concerned with the news that Greyhound Canada is shutting down all bus service permanently," said Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner today.
4 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce:
2 – Owen Sound,
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