- Hub staff
The Owen Sound Hub was present to cover the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference which was held virtually last month. Accessibility to events beyond our region is one positive in our pandemic year.
ROMA is the rural arm of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario ...
The Grey Bruce Health Unit is continuing to work with Bluewater District School Board to address a previously identified probable case of COVID-19, now confirmed positive, as well as a second probable case, associated with Highpoint Community School, in the Township of Southgate, Ontario.
A probable case is defined as someone not yet tested but is showing symptoms and who has a direct link with ...
Every February, the students and staff at Alexandra Community School take part in a 2-week Kindness Challenge! The timing is purposeful as in February at Alexandra, we focus on the Grandfather teaching of zaagi'idiwin or love.
This year the challenges focused on our school community as well as the local community. Feather Evans, a ...
4 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce: 2- Owen Sound; 1- Southgate; 1- West Grey
· 669 confirmed cases ...
The region’s largest job fair is expanding and moving online to safely connect employers and job seekers. The Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair will be hosted on Wednesday, March 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Registration is now open ...
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