Grey County Warden Selwyn Hicks will join around 2,000 participants at the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s (AMO) 2019 Conference in ...
The City is pleased to announce there are now cigarette butt receptacles located across the downtown area. The intention is to maintain and beautify our Downtown Core Area and to reduce the environmental impact associated with ...
Finishing off the summer is Derek Marshall & Nicholas Arnold in a concert presentation of Dean & Jerry: What Might Have Been.
Starting Wednesday, August the 21st...
"I took them up in my arms, I led them with cords of compassion and with bands of love … I bent down to them and fed them." (NRSV) This quote is from the ancient Hebrew prophet Hosea speaking for God. This week, I am reflecting on the picture of ...
With the 10th Street Bridge scheduled to be closed, it is anticipated response times for the Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services (OSFES) as well as the Inter Township Fire Department (ITFD) could be impacted due to both departments using alternate routes to cross town.
Working cooperatively with the Municipality of Meaford and the Township of Georgian Bluffs, a plan has been developed...
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