On Wednesday, November 20, the Grey Bruce Health Unit received lab confirmation of the first influenza (flu) case in Grey Bruce; a Meaford resident tested positive for ...
The provincial government announced today the launch of the new Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP), which will provide free routine dental care for ...
Grey County is pleased to announce the appointment of Savanna Myers as director of the newly formed Economic Development, Tourism and ...
Details have been announced for the vigil to commemorate the 30th anniversary of shooting at l'Ecole Polytechnique on December 6th, 1989 in Montreal. Violence Prevention Grey Bruce, The Women’s Centre, Women’s House Serving Bruce Grey, Georgian College, M’Wikwedong, The United Way and the Men’s Program will host this year’s December 6th vigil from noon to 1:00 pm at Georgian College in Owen Sound.
On Tuesday, November 19th, 2019, an attempted child abduction occurred at a medical clinic in Hanover.
At about 2:15 p.m., a 6-month old infant in a car-seat carrier was temporarily taken from the mother’s care in the waiting area. The mother and others. . .
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