Stapled onto my paystub on Thursday there was a letter from our company drug plan provider. This was the first I'd heard about the provincial government policy cutting drug benefits to children under 24 years old which comes into effect on Monday.
The change means if you have a drug plan your children will no longer qualify for OHIP+. I have five children, so this may affect me personally. You see, the new policy says that if you've maxed out the benefits of your drug plan...
Grey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating a serious two vehicle motor vehicle collision on Highway 10 in Chatsworth Township between a tractor trailer and a car.
Just before 1:30 a.m. Grey County OPP responded to a serious collision on Hwy 10 in Chatsworth Township between a tractor trailer and
The Georgian Bay Folk Society and Summerfolk office has moved to the heart of downtown Owen Sound. The organization has been nestled above the Boot and Blade since it moved out of the Old Courthouse in 2010 but as of April 1st it will have a new home at 776 - 2nd Avenue East.
The Georgian Bay Folk Society is best known for presenting the Summerfolk Music and Crafts Festival which has been showcasing folk arts in Owen Sound since 1976. In recent years...
Sunday morning conversations. "The mourning doves are back. I heard cooing at dusk last night." "I heard that robins have been seen in Kincardine." "I saw a robin." "Me too." "Grackles are back and redwinged blackbirds."
I felt a twinge with the last. Back on the farm, with the swamp between our house and the ...
As we approach Autism month, here's one example that mirrors why I don't 'light it up blue' or cover myself in puzzle pieces to raise awareness.
Autism$peaks wants to 'cure' autism. They supported Andrew Wakefield and the anti-vaxx movement. They think...
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