


Attention Dancers! The Roxy has two amazing opportunities for local dancers on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 13 and 14! As part of our presentation of Ballet Jorgen's Bouffonia, we are offering a free Master Class and Repertoire Class on Friday night at the theatre led by company dancers. The dance company also has two roles in the Saturday night show for Owen Sound dancers! This a chance for young dancers to perform with a professional touring company. For more information, please call The Roxy at 519-371-3425.

Join us for an evening of dance when The Roxy presents Ballet Jorgen's Bouffonia! This energetic theatre dance piece by renowned Canadian choreographer Robert Desrosiers is filled with stunning imagery and surprises. The name Bouffonia is a made-up word inspired by the French word bouffon, meaning clowning or jestering. This modern ballet is stylish, humorous and not to be missed! Bouffonia will be at The Roxy Theatre on Saturday, Oct. 14. Tickets $38. Visit for more details.



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