Sewer rehabilitation work will be done in the 9th Avenue East and 16th Street East intersection on Wednesday, September 16 beginning at 7:00 AM. To accommodate this work, left turns will not be permitted in the Southbound, Northbound and Westbound lanes.
The traffic signals will be shut off and a police officer will be on-site to provide traffic control when the contractor is working.
The East Bayshore transit route will be detoured to accommodate the lane closures in the 9th Avenue East and 16th Street East intersection. At 9th Avenue East and 17th Street East, the route will detour right onto 17th Street East, left onto 7th Avenue East, then left onto 16th Street East to continue its regular route. No bus stops will be affected by this detour.
Rehabilitation of the sewer involves inserting a flexible lining inside an existing pipe that has deteriorated due to age and other factors. The lining is cured (or hardened) in place and forms a new smooth water-tight seal inside the pipe that improves structural strength and flow and extends the pipe life for up to 50 years.
source: media release, City of Owen Sound