



- Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

Deputy Mayor Brian O'Leary is bringing the motion below to Monday night's City Council meeting. If passed, City staff will prepare a report on the implementation of a system to collect parking fees  from non-residents at four or more of our major parks and facilities to reduce the cost of their upkeep for City taxpayers.

We have begun hearing from residents of Georgian Bluffs, Chatsworth, and the former Sydenham Township who work, shop, volunteer and do business in Owen Sound about this proposal.  We have heard from residents and businesses on streets surrounding these parks and facilities. 

We encourage civic engagement - we suggest anyone with an opinion to express to contact members of City Council directly, or through the City Clerk, or with a question for Public Question period, before noon on Monday.

We do not expect Council members to read or respond to comments on or on our or any Facebook or Twitter accounts.  The City has a process for public input, and Council members reiterated at the last Council meeting that hearing from their constituents is an important part of that process.

"WHEREAS the City of Owen Sound Asset Management plan identifies an existing current annual infrastructure deficit of $ 3.1 million per year for core assets; and

WHEREAS the City’s Asset Management Plan does not yet include non-core assets; and

WHEREAS non-core assets such as parks are critically important to the community and to visitors to the City; and

WHEREAS pedestrian and automobile counts show that Harrison Park alone had in excess of 160,000 vehicles and 140,000 pedestrians enter the park in 2020; and

WHEREAS the City’s 5-year capital plan identifies needs in parks and park buildings of over $5 million in the next five years; and

WHEREAS the annual capital budget cannot be supported solely on the backs of City taxpayers; and

WHEREAS the City’s Strategic Plan Finance Pillar states that we will be a financially stable and responsible municipality and will manage our finances in a resilient and forward-thinking manner, addressing the infrastructure deficit with a view to long term sustainability and prosperity; and

WHEREAS a convenient system of paid parking would add revenue and relieve the City taxpayer from bearing the entire cost of maintaining our parks for the benefit of all; and

WHEREAS revenue from paid parking could be invested in our parks and open space system;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT BE RESOLVED THAT staff bring forward a report on the details of how a paid parking system for non-residents could be implemented beginning in 2022 at Harrison Park and Kelso Beach, with the potential of adding other sites including, but not limited to, the Bayshore Community Centre and the Julie MacArthur Regional Recreation Centre, including provisions to address campers at Harrison Park and Kelso Beach, and those possessing annual memberships at the Family Y."



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