


MyOwenSoundThe City of Owen Sound invites the public - especially young people - to join the Maawanji'iding: Festival Canadiana Hashtag Challenge and be part of celebrating Owen Sound 160 and Canada 150. Youth who participate using one or both of the hashtags #MyCanadaOS and #MyOwenSound will be eligible to win an iPod Touch.

Here's how the Hashtag Challenge works: Share social media posts and tweets using the hashtags #MyCanadaOS and #MyOwenSound, describing your own personal vision or ideas for the future of Owen Sound and Canada. Include a photo or short video (with you in it or not). Post it to social media - Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter - with one or both of the hashtags #MyOwenSound and #MyCanadaOS. Each youth submission (under 18) will be entered into a prize draw for an iPod Touch.

MyCanadaOSSelected social media posts and tweets will be shared through the City's social media channels and may even be included in audio visual presentations presented by youth participants during Maawanji'iding: Festival Canadiana. The presentations are part of the evening entertainment at Kelso Beach Park on June 30 (Owen Sound Day) and July 1 (Canada Day).

'Maawanji'iding: Festival Canadiana Owen Sound', June 30 to July 9, is the City's biggest event of the year. The ten-day festival includes two signature weekend events with concerts, shows, and other activities for people of all ages, including award-winning bands, the World's Largest Rubber Duck, cutting-edge technology, educational displays, and diverse cultural experiences.

The City of Owen Sound acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, Regional Tourism Organization 7 (BruceGreySimcoe), and Presenting Partner Bruce Power for this project. More detailed information regarding 'Maawanji'iding: Festival Canadiana' is available online at

source: media release, City of Owen Sound


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