

What's on your mind?

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political truthWe live in a complex world. This makes us vulnerable to people who lie to us. We believe those lies and repeat them to others as God's truth. This gets more confusing when there are conflicting lies and therefore conflicts about what the absolute truth is. People react to this environment in various ways that...

sauble1Dear Editor

I was reading the article you posted today about the continued work on the beach at Sauble. I'm very pleased that you shared the letter you did.

The continued bulldozing, raking, etc. on the sand beach is of great concern to me and goes far beyond just the...

beachI have just become aware of the intent for the South Bruce Peninsula to perform "tilling" operations on the Sauble Beach prior to the return of the plovers.

As a resident of the area that has visited Sauble over the last 5 years for the sole purpose of observing the plovers, I find this to be...

elections-canada-ballot-boxDear Editor,

4 days after the 2018 Florida shooting, our Federal Member of Parliament took to Twitter to share a far-right pro-gun message.

In 2012, he added his voice to the long gun debate in the House of Commons, quoting a comment linking gun control to social re-engineering and comparing ...

soldier- by Thorsten Arnold

Dear friends and fellow citizens,
Trump's recent plot to arm 20% of US teachers is inspiring me to publish a dystopian story. I truly fear that Trump's proposal for broad armament and training of teachers could be his first concrete step to turn the US into a military dictatorship, similar to the Hitler Jugend. Indeed, I fear that


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