


between our steps 01 01 20 double
On Christmas eve, forsythia bloomed in my church. Brilliant yellow blossoms brightened the dark that night. I'd brought them in as bare branches at the beginning of December. They looked dull, grey, and ...

blood donorDonors in Owen Sound asked to support the blood supply this holiday season, as 120 donors are needed to ensure patient needs are met. 

Canadian Blood Services encourages new and returning donors make their greatest gift of the holidays by booking...

vanwyck2 586- by Aly Boltman

I called my locksmith Tom McKay this morning, and after we do our business, I wish him Merry Christmas, and he says "isn't it your holiday right now?" And then he mentions he heard this story about a pair of candlesticks saved from a synagogue that had been burned to the ground by the Nazis. He can't remember where he heard it, so I Google it and find this incredible story. . .

shirleyjohnZonta International celebrated its 100th anniversary on November 8, 2019. On that theme there have been many celebrations during our biennium 2018-2020 to celebrate this significant milestone in the history of Zonta. These words were offered at this week's Zonta Club of Owen Sound's presentation of its Centennial Champion Award. . .

between our steps 12 20 19 double01December can be a long month. The greyness makes the days drag. The busyness can wear us out. And the anticipation for Christmas, with family gatherings and gift giving has some of ...


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