



By Cathy Hird

"Make hay while the sun shines." As good a piece of advice as "strike while the iron is hot," but also just as out of context for most of us. And it is not quite that simple. A farmer doesn't just head out to the field as soon as the sun shines.

First step: check the equipement. Apply grease. Examine U-joints, chains and belts. This year, when I attempted to tighten the chains on the haybine, they wouldn't. They'd been stretched beyond useful and needed to be replaced. By the time I had them off, my hands and arms were black with oil and grease. The machine did purr when I got the new ones on.

Second pause: wait until the hay has matured. Hay provides the best feed value when the alfalfa is in bud, and the timothy has just headed out. But no one can get all the hay cut and baled at

medicine wheelIn September of 2007, the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the General Assembly with a majority of 144 states voting in favour, 11 abstentions and 4 votes

PLAYOnly a few days remain until the official start of summer and the Longest Day of PLAY challenge. Kick off your summer in style by taking part - get up, get moving and

between our steps Jun 16th 2016Thirty years ago this August, the United Church apologized to First Nations peoples for not honouring Aboriginal spirituality and culture. The church acknowledged that in its practice and structures it had confused Anglo-European culture with the core of Christian spirituality. You can read the apology on the UCC website, but part of it reads, "We did not hear you when you shared your vision. In our zeal to tell you of the good news of Jesus Christ we were closed to the value of your spirituality. We imposed our civilization as a condition of accepting ...

VanWyck BillW. R. (Bill) Van Wyck to be recognized with Honorary Degree at Owen Sound Campus convocation.

On Thursday, June 16, approximately 178 students are eligible to graduate from more than 18 programs at the Owen Sound Campus. Friends and family members will also attend as guests


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