- shared with permission, including photos
A. and I spent today "doctoring". He was in great need of medical attention, a few very necessary tests and care.
It was very difficult to convince him to come with with me and he was often feeling much outside of his usual comfort zone throughout our visits of two medical locations.
You probably remember going back to school shopping as a child or looking forward to taking your children or grandchildren shopping. You know how it feels to pick out a cool new backpack. The smell of new notebooks and crayons; the excitement of wondering what the year would be like.
You might have been worried about your new teacher, or if you’d make friends. But you probably didn’t worry
When we relocated to this area 5 years ago, we quickly realized that there wasn’t any support for epilepsy and seizure disorders, the closest being in London.
It was somewhat concerning for someone dealing with epilepsy and uncontrolled seizures. As many of you may know, this is not an uncommon condition. Nearly 1 out of 100 Canadians ...
Have you found yourself smiling as you read some kind messages beneath your feet this week?
In a celebration of community, Community Living Owen Sound and District is encouraging everyone to Chalk Your Walk with Kindness. From July 23 to 31, use chalk to decorate the sidewalk in front of your home or business with kind messages and pictures to promote care in our community. ...
- Hub staff
When it closed in 2015 Legate Furniture at 2nd Avenue East and 8th Streets tood on the site of one of the first buildings in Owen Sound. According to Grey Roots, "The store building was built in 1906 by William Legate. It originally housed a Farmer's Bank, a feed and flower (flour?) store, and a grocery store.
In 1914, Mr. Legate converted the main floor into a furniture store ...
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