


show n goThere is no journey not worth the taking. If this is not exactly a truism for classic car owners at least in the time of Covid 19, it should be an aspiration.

This Summer and Fall Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce is supporting three tours that will see Classic Car hobbyists from across south western Ontario take a Sunday afternoon drive around Grey Bruce Counties.

At the beginning of last year the entire world came to a halt. It was discovered how cruel a master of our lives one virus could be and we all had to take radical steps to curb its spread. For classic car collectors and hobbyists it meant wholesale cancellation of long planned-for, and eagerly anticipated, car shows. Many car owners felt the sense of loss for these opportunities to drive their cherished vehicles and show others the pride they have in those curiosities on wheels.

At Sauble Beach and Saugeen Shores a few people decided that this virus was not going to cause them to moth-ball their vehicles for an entire year. They realized these vehicles need to be driven to stay in top form and they also realized that there was no better "Covid Cocoon" than a couple of thousand pounds of steel on rolling rubber. With this in mind they developed a series of summertime cruises around Bruce and Grey Counties.

Capitalizing on last year's successes classic car hobbyists from around Grey and Bruce Counties, under the promotional name Sunset Cruisers, have three regional tours planned. Set for Sunday afternoons the events will feature an invitation for Classic Car owners to gather at one of several advertised marshaling points. The drivers will be greeted by volunteers from Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce who will hand each driver a detailed route map and an invitation to make a free-will cash donation. At 1:00 PM sharp all vehicles will be given the start signal and selected pace cars will begin the tour. With a strong sense of audience participation drivers are encouraged to honk their horns at anyone who waves.

The regional events include:

Bruce County Cruise - Sunday, June 27th. Marshaling points will be located at Saugeen Shores, Sauble Beach, Chesley, Point Clark and Kincardine. The basic route will include Lake Range Road, Amberley Sideroad and Bruce County Roads 1, 3, 33.

Bruce Peninsula Cruise - Sunday, August 1st. Marshaling points will be Wiarton, Sauble Beach, Saugeen Shores and Lion's Head. Roads covered will include Sauble Beach to Pike Bay and then to Lion's Head and on to Wiarton.

Grey County Colour Cruise - Sunday, September 26th. Marshaling points at Owen Sound, Wiarton, Sauble Beach and Saugeen Shores. Vehicles will enjoy a variety of selected routes in Grey county noted for their robust scenery and fall colours. Roads will include Grey County Roads 1, 17, 18, 29 and n go 2

With weather and Covid 19's cooperation it is hoped this last event will include a socially distanced "meet and greet" at the Wiarton Keppel International Airport and the Grey Roots Museum.

The organizers of the 2021 Show 'n Go events welcome any and all participation. At the entrance to all Start Points participants will be provided with a memento route map by a Grey Bruce Crime Stoppers Volunteer who will also provide an opportunity to make a cash donation.

These are rain or shine events so some of these routes may be subject to change. More details will be posted on the Sunset Cruisers Facebook page as the dates get closer.

source: media release, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce


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