


bike safetyThe Owen Sound and District Junior Optimist Club have once again teamed up with the Owen Sound Police Service, to provide Bicycle Safety information to area children and youth, this Saturday, July 31, 2021, 11am-1pm (Rain date: August 7, 2021).

Keystone Child, Youth and Family Services has generously provided their parking lot for this free, “drop in” event, at 1793 3rd Ave W., Owen Sound.

Children and youth are encouraged to stop in anytime between 11am and 1pm, and bring their bikes and helmets. There will be practice courses set up and instructors on site, to demonstrate rules of the road and proper helmet fitting. Free bike lights and a certificate will be provided to all those who complete the course.

Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be for sale, with all profits going toward bicycle safety equipment to give out at future events.

There is plenty of great bike riding weather ahead so come out on Saturday for some fun, food and safety.

source: media release, Owen Sound and District Junior Optimist Club


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