Hello to anyone who has been curious about those five beautiful sculptures in the Kelso Beach area, and in the Brooke neighbourhood, wondering how it all fits together?
Join us on Sunday September 24th to celebrate our Walking Tour, created by artist Ginger Smith, supported by First United Church, the City of Owen Sound, The Community Foundation, and many others, and powerfully mentored by Susan Staves(Schank) and Trish Meekins.
Join us at First United at 5:00 pm to share great food (potluck, of course), a virtual video tour of the five sites and the songs and stories associated with them, and a huge shout-out to all who helped in the creation of this project, most of whom will be there in person .
If you want a preview, go to www.owensound.ca/walkingtour . But come to the Celebration!
Please let Fiona at First know that you are planning to attend, 519-376-1736.
Everyone is welcome!