



Earlier this year we, at Knights of Columbus Council 2092, received a request from the Grey-Bruce Health Services inquiring if we would be willing take over, from the United Way, in providing funds to supply up to ten breast pumps to medically fragile or economically disadvantaged families in the Grey-Bruce region.

At our April meeting a motion was presented and unanimously supported that we would make a commitment to fund this program over the next three year period.
Funds for this project would be raised from:
1) Proceeds from the sale of Nevada Tickets at Keady Market,
2) 50/50 Raffle & donations at Slo-Pitch tournament food booth
3) Personal donations through our Charitable Trust
I am happy to report that with the completion of the Keady Nevada andnight BBQ season, we have so far raised $1,550 for this project.

We will continue to organise special projects through the Fall and winter months.

Personal donations are always acceptable.

Cheques should be made payable to The Owen Sound Knights of Columbus Council 2092 Charitable Trust and marked Breast Pump Program. A Charitable Receipt ( for tax purposes ) will be issued for all monetary donations.


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