


gift of flightOpening the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Owen Sound Annual General Meeting at Harmony Centre Friday night, President Andy McKee said "In my 16 years serving as president, I have never been more optimistic about our organization."

Some of that optimism stemmed from the announcement of a $173,000 three year Grow Grant. Bill Walker, MPP was on hand to join Jim Hepple from the Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant Committee in presenting the cheque to BBBS of Owen Sound. This money has enabled the organization to hire a full time Mentorship Coordinator and provided resources to grow the recently re-introduced Big Sisters Program.

Matthew Chater, National Vice President Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada, provided compelling statistics and stories to illustrate the power of mentoring for youth. He complemented the Owen Sound organization on their growth and provision of important programs in the community. He highlighted the strong 7 person board supported by an advisory committee.

Many volunteers were recognized for their service to youth as board members or big brothers; 25 years, Mike Forcier; 20 years, Andy McKee, 15 years Peter Boulter, Bob Knapp; 10 years, Glenn Breadner, Tim McKay and 5 years Bob Nadon, Jeff Burlington, Jack Seamen and Kevin Brown. Receiving a life time achievement award for over 30 years of support to Big Brothers of Owen Sound was former MPP Bill Murdoch. The two newest big sisters were also recognized

The winner of the WestJet Cares for Kids raffle was Val McCrae of Owen Sound. McCrae receives 2 round trip tickets for anywhere WestJet flies. This generous donation by WestJet netted $4300 profit for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Owen Sound.

In closing the meeting McKee outlined many ways people can support youth through Big Brothers Big Sisters including visiting the Facebook page and becoming a follower, dedicating one hour per week as an in school mentor, bowling in the annual Bowl for Kids in March, participating in the golf tournament in July, joining the board and donating money at

source: media release, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Owen Sound


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