The medication return blitz was a success.
The variety of medications returned included a number of controlled substances as Grey Bruce residents responded to the call to clean out their medicine cabinets and return unused or expired medications to their local pharmacies. Thanks to all who participated in this event!
This campaign promotes the proper disposal and storage of medication and helped to reduce the amount of circulating unused/expired medication (especially opioid pain relievers) in our community. In exchange for the return of unused medications, some participants received a free ticket to see one of our local WOAA senior hockey teams in action!
They variety of medications that were returned included hydromorphone, oxycodone and codeine. The campaign also prevented these drugs from being sent to landfills or flushed down the toilet, ending in our water system. Unused medication should always be returned to a pharmacy for proper disposal. For additional information on prescription opioids including fentanyl please visit:
Special thanks to the Shallow Lake Crushers, the Durham Thundercats, the Saugeen Shores Winterhawks and all of the participating pharmacies for their support.
source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit