


pasture sheepThe Ontario Forage Council is proud to announce our upcoming annual Profitable Pastures 2018, this years' theme is: Sharing Techniques to Improve Grazing Profitability. The conference will be held in Mount Forest, at the Mount Forest Community Centre, on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. Additionally, remote locations will be added. Please watch our website for news on these remote locations. Presentations are CEU accredited.

This years' keynote speaker is Clayton Robins. Clayton is currently the Executive Director, Manitoba 4-H Council Inc., however, Clayton formerly spent his days as a researcher for Ag Canada. His topics titles are: 1. A Systems Approach to Grazing, 2. Energy-dense Forages: A Canadian Opportunity. In addition to our keynote speaker, James Byrne, OMAFRA Beef Cattle Specialist will kick off the day with The Irish Grazing Experience. Mike Swidersky from the Grey Dufferin Community pasture, will share some tips on grazing management and how he has improved forage and beef production on the Community Pasture. Attendees will be treated to the firsthand knowledge from two experienced producers. Sheep producer, and 2017 Mapleseed Sheep Pasture Award recipient, Markus Wand, as well as the 2018 Mapleseed Beef Pasture Award recipient, Tim Lehrbass. These producers will share information about their operations, as well as participate in the producer panel at the end of the program.

The cost of this years' conference is $40, and includes a hot roast beef lunch. Books of 10 tickets are available to treat customers, or staff. Registration deadline is March 9th, 2018. Registrations will be accepted at the door, but may not include the hot lunch. Registration is available by phone, or mail. Visa and Mastercard accepted by phone. Please make cheques payable to the Ontario Forage Council.

Tradeshow and sponsorship opportunities are still available for this conference. Profitable Pastures is an excellent way to advertise your business to your target audience, as well as show your support for the grazing community.

source: media release, Ontario Forage Council


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