Big Brothers Big Sisters Owen Sound will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Friday, June 1st, 2018 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at The Harmony Centre in Owen Sound.
The agency will conduct the official business portion of the meeting from 6:30pm to 7:00pm followed by a celebration of local heroes including a keynote address by motivational speaker Alyssa Light, owner of The Profitable Innovator. Ms. Light will share her insight on the importance of investing in youth and how to connect with millennials.
An update on program expansions, new community partnerships and prioritizing goals for the future will be also be shared. "The agency has seen tremendous growth in recent months and our success is largely due to the commitment of the community to support kids in reaching their potential. It's such an easy concept with such a significant impact" said President, Andy McKee. "The Annual General Meeting is a great way to highlight some of those accomplishments and invite those community partners out to show our appreciation for their support."
"The AGM offers a perfect opportunity for anyone interested in Big Brothers Big Sisters to come and see what our agency has to offer, ask questions and meet the Board of Directors and staff," says Jennifer Miller, Executive Director. "In our community, people can participate by becoming a Big Brother or a Big Sister, volunteering for in‐school mentoring, joining our Board of Directors, helping out at events, register a foresome for our charity Golf Fore for Kids Sake tournament on July 14th, 2018 or donating to support program delivery. There are so many ways to get involved and help kids."
The Big Dreams Westjet Cares for Kids draw for two airline tickets anywhere Westjet regularly flies will be held live.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information please call (519) 376‐4449.
source: media release, BBBS