The prestigious YMCA Peace Medal honours people of all ages from coast to coast who are helping to build better communities by exemplifying the values of PEACE
Participation, Empathy, Advocacy, Community and Empowerment: these are the values the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce is looking for in the next recipient of the YMCA Peace Medal.
Residents are invited to visit and nominate a deserving person for this award before Wednesday, October 23. Hard copies of the nomination package are available at our YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility.
The 2018 Peace Medal was awarded to Da-Namaamin Moseyang Giw-Ganchigaazjig Kwewag, “We will walk in prayer for those murdered women”. A grassroots Indigenous-led action and response to the murders and disappearances of Indigenous women, girls, and future generations.
YMCA Peace Week invites people of all ages to reflect on peace, to talk, and to take action, individually and with others. During Peace Week, November 16 – 23, the presentation of Peace Medals takes place across Canada to honour individuals or groups who, without any special resources, demonstrate a commitment to the values of PEACE through contributions made within their local, national or global community.
The YMCA Peace Medal was developed in 1987 by the International Committee at the YMCA of Fredericton. More details can be found a
source: media release