


flu shotLocal hospitals and Public Health are teaming up to offer public flu vaccine clinics during the week of ...

barley fieldby Cam Goff

A few months have gone by since the first round of “consultation” meetings on “value creation” and the folks at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) are in damage-control mode, trying to re-spin their message to ...

Dick HibmaSaugeen Conservation is proud to announce that they will be hiring an interim General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to lead the course of conservation throughout the Saugeen Valley watershed jurisdiction. Mr. Dick Hibma is from the Owen Sound area and comes to Saugeen Conservation with extensive knowledge and understanding of . . .

The Apple Tree Gang1Tree Canada, Bird Studies Canada, and students from the Kitaamgwedaagwad Gindaaswin Adult Learning Centre are helping the Kikendaasogamig Elementary School at Neyaashiinigmiing nurture a new style of learning environment.

The goal of the 2019 edible tree/school greening initiative was to. . .

ParamedicsThree Grey County Paramedics have been recognized by the Province for their years of exceptional service. Primary Care Paramedics Heather Fortney-Wilson and Rob Gibbs were recently ...


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