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Following discussion and deliberation by Council during several meetings that included receiving public feedback, Council approved the 2021 Municipal Budget at their meeting on January 11, 2021.

Municipal staff, at the direction of Council, has provided a budget with a total tax increase of 3.43%.This means an increase for the average Meaford homeowner of about $6.17/month, or $74 annually.

The 2021 budget reflects a 1% decrease in capital spending, with a 4.43% increase to operating expenses. It also includes updated fees and charges, with an increase in the cost of bag tags to $4/bag to offset the increased costs of the waste contract, and a new paid parking program for non-residents at some Municipal park locations.

“This budget is about providing a continuity of existing programs and services” said Treasurer/Director of Corporate Services Darcy Chapman. “Council and staff have put significant effort into providing a final budget that focuses on delivering valuable services and programs to look after the well-being of our residents, while adhering with the Council approved Budget Policy, Debt Management Policy and General Reserve and Reserve Fund Balance.”

For more information on the 2021 budget, visit

source: media release, Municipality of Meaford



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