



The Municipality of Meaford is pleased to welcome Courtney Allen as our new Chief of the Meaford Fire Department.

courtneyallenCourtney is coming to Meaford from the City of Ottawa where he was Captain of two stations in the Kanata area, and responsible for the volunteers within these composite stations.

Courtney has more than 17 years of experience in the Fire service, and has obtained the academic accreditation necessary to be a Fire Chief. He has a passion for Emergency Management where he learned and developed these skills in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and in the onsite command center for Tornado in Ottawa 2018.

“I look forward to becoming a member of the Meaford community and working with the dedicated volunteer firefighters who serve it” said Chief Allen. “In the short time I have been here, the level of professionalism and community focus this department  demonstrates, is world-class.”




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