



Hey all, my name is Ryan Majury and I am the newest member of the team at the Owen Sound Hub. I am 18 years old and a grade 13 student at St. Mary’s High School. I’m currently employed at the downtown Shoppers Drug Mart as a pharmacy assistant.

I’m very excited to start my co-op at the Hub as lead marketer and I hope to bring more attention to the important stories and news that the Owen Sound Hub have to offer. As well as this, I hope to help make the Owen Sound Hub sustainable for the generations to come.

My hobbies include tennis, snowboarding, skimboarding, and skating. I’ve been a member of the St. Mary’s tennis team since grade 9 and I’ve been a big fan of skating and ‘board’ sports ever since I got my hands on a skateboard at the age of 13.

I am a very business minded individual but I also take great joy in other subjects such as political science and English, which is why I think this co-op will be a perfect fit for me. I am very excited to start my co-op at the Owen Sound Hub and I would like to thank Anne for this amazing opportunity.




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