


OS-Police-Targs-fullA man threatened another male with golf club.

On Monday October 9th, 2017 at approximately 8:00 p.m. a male party showed up at a residence situated on 4th Avenue East, Owen Sound with a golf club in hand. When the occupant of the home confronted the man as to why he was at his door, the club was displayed in a threatening manner as the man who was heavily under the influence of alcohol made verbal threats. The male was told repeatedly to leave which he eventually did without physically harming the occupants of the home, consisting of a couple and their four children. A call was then made to 911.

When the Owen Sound Police arrived on scene the investigation lead them to a neighbouring residence at which time the assailant was located and arrested without incident.

The victim and the accused did not know one another. The accused witnessed what he believed was a drug transaction and taking matters into his own hands had mistakenly accused his neighbour as being involved.

The 43 year old Owen Sound man will now appear on November 23, 2017 in the Owen Sound Court to answer to the charges of Weapons Dangerous and Utter Threats.

source: media release, Owen Sound Police


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