



The EmployerOne survey collects information on a range of issues including projected vacancies, hiring intentions, recruitment strategies and challenges, as well as your perspective on candidate skills, education and training. After analysis, the data is released to schools, community partners, government agencies and the public so that they may see the characteristics of the local labour market.

This survey is the single most referenced document Grey County uses in economic development because  it gives us direct insight into the experience of our employers. The Regional Skills Training, Trades & Innovation Centre, New to Grey and Ag 4.0 are just a few examples of initiatives that have taken shape because of survey results.

The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete. You may receive multiple invitations, but only need to complete the survey once. To ensure anonymity, your responses are not linked to your email or IP address.
Complete the survey before January 31, 2018

Thank you in advance for your help in making this the best response year ever! Please share the link far and wide among your networks. If we do this together, we'll have the information we need to keep us moving forward, taking action in support of business and growing as a region.



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