



The Ontario Student Trustees' Association (OSTA-AECO) has released a position paper in advance of the upcoming provincial elections. The paper includes 16 policy recommendations focused in three areas: student well-being, 21st century learning, and equitable access to learning opportunities.

Some of the recommendations for changes to Ontario's education system include:


  • Funding for suicide prevention, and mental health training programs should be available for students as well as staff.
  • To encourage more students to participate in co-op programs, change the co-op credit from open level (O) course to a mixed (M) level course, so that the credits can be used in post-secondary applications.
  • Many students in rural and northern boards face long bus rides (1 to 3 hours one way) that have an impact on their ability to participate fully in school life. The funding formula for transportation should be updated to reflect local transportation needs.

The student trustees are asking all political parties to include these policy recommendations in their election platforms.

The full platform is available here.

source: People for Education release


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