


floodingThe Flood Watch issued on February 18th remains in effect. Across the SVCA Watershed jurisdiction the rainfall, that began yesterday, has continued through today. All watercourses are showing a rapid rise in water levels. Water levels have not peaked and will continue to rise. Flooding in typical low-lying areas should be expected.

As of 1:00 pm today there has been an average of 42mm of rain over the last 24 hours for the Saugeen Watershed. Rainfall totals ranged from 33mm to 57mm. Into Wednesday there could be an additional 10 to 25mm of rain.

The forecasted high temperature for today of 13 degrees has generally been reached. This relatively warm air along with the rain is depleting the snowpack and the meltwater is contributing to runoff. Cooler air will arrive on Wednesday, but will still be above zero.

Ice jams that are in some locations will be moving in response to the increasing river flows. Locally increased flooding could occur at these locations due to obstructed flow. As these ice jams move downstream it's possible they might become lodged again temporarily, creating localized flooding at new locations.

Municipal public works staff are advised to monitor roads, bridges, and culverts where flooding in typical areas is likely to occur, but attention should be directed particularly to sites where ice jamming is possible.

The public is reminded to avoid rivers and streams as high flows pose a safety risk, and banks will be icy and slippery.

Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority staff will be monitoring river flows and weather conditions on a 24-hour basis beginning tonight. This message is in effect until Thursday, February 22, 2018, 11:00 am, unless a further message is issued.

source: media release, SVCA


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