


Coronavirus CDC 23311The Grey Bruce Health Unit reminds residents there are no cases of COVID-19 in Grey Bruce, at this time. While there is the likelihood of individual cases, the means to prevent a widespread outbreak of this virus lies with each of us.

The province has taken the unpreceded step of an extended closing of schools and advising all large group gatherings of 250 or more should be suspended. Many other organizations are following that lead. Additional direction from the province includes not visiting hospitals and senior’s facilities and limiting all non-essential travel outside of Ontario.

Individuals should practice safe social distancing and be rigorous in their personal hygiene:

• wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer

• sneeze and cough into your sleeve, or use a tissue and discard it immediately

• avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

• avoid contact with people who are sick

• clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

• stay home if you are sick

Not everyone needs to be tested. The province has established a process of pre-screening individuals to determine if testing is warranted. The focus is on prioritization of those at highest risk.

As part of an escalating response to safeguard the health of our communities, the Grey Bruce Health Unit has enhanced infectious disease response capabilities to prevent or decrease further transmission of the virus in Grey Bruce. We have been working closely with healthcare, municipal and private sector partners to support their response. As well, we continue to work closely with provincial and national partners to monitor and detect any cases of COVID-19 in the community. We thank those partners for their ongoing cooperation and support.

Please contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 for questions specific to an individual health concern. Residents can also contact the Grey Bruce Health Unit COVID-19 Helpline at 1-800-263-3456 press 3000 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm).

We continue to encourage people to connect with trusted sources for information, including

Visit Ontario’s to learn more about how the province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19.

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit


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