COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire among migrant farm workers with temporary immigration status, who work without access to any paid sick days, often inadequate protective equipment and may be housed by their employers in crowded conditions . . .
- by Eric Coleman
This is the second part of a series on the topic of Long Term Care (LTC) homes in Ontario, following a military report on the state of five LTC homes after deploying to support them. Read the first part here
Through April and May of 2020,
- by Shea Angus
It is no secret that I have been a stalwart of Conservative circles for the last decade of my life. I attended the meeting that selected Bill Walker to be our PC Candidate here in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound to succeed Bill Murdoch. I eventually attended school in Ottawa where I began working for our former MP Larry Miller up until . . .
- by Ryan McGreal
The anti-racism protests unfolding around the world are an entirely understandable outpouring of grief and rage and determination from people who have had enough of being systematically and repeatedly discriminated against, targeted, harassed, affronted, assaulted, . . .
Ontario tenants who have fallen behind on their rent because of COVID-19 will need provincial help to stay housed when the current eviction ban is lifted, new analysis from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Maytree says.
“Many renters couldn’t make rent on April 1 or on May 1, and June 1 will be tough, too,” said . . .
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