- by Rob Rolfe
I wrote a poem recently, "Union Town", about the history of industrial unions in Owen Sound, which Larry Jensen subsequently put to music and turned into a song. Most of the Owen Sound factories of that era are gone, but the struggles of workers here continue. Here are my thoughts...
- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor
We are a city of rule-followers. We know that we "shouldn't litter" and we "should" put our garbage out on the right day. We presume that landlords too are rule-followers, obeying the City's Property Standards by-law.
The issue of garbage...
In one week, August 20 to 24, some 20 people on the picket line at the Family Health Organization at the Medical Centre in Owen Sound were bumped or hit by cars or trucks. Most of these were not accidental.
On August 23 a man drove up...
- By Keith Currie, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Canadian agriculture and our trading opportunities are in a very precarious position as trade negotiations between Mexico and the U.S. appear to be moving forward. It's an extremely unfortunate situation for our industry and our country, as Mexico appears to have caved under the undoubtedly heavy handed approach...
- By Brent Royce, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture
The strength of any organization depends on the involvement of its members in providing guidance and participating at the grassroots level. For the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), one of the key ways of encouraging local participation is at regional annual meetings that are happening across the...
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