


cuba- by Bill Monahan

A response to a comment on this article.

There were two main exoduses from Cuba. The first happened in the 1960's, not long after the revolution and it consisted of Catholic families sending their unaccompanied children to Florida so that they could be raised in Catholicism. They were aided by Catholics in Florida. They were afraid of Communism outlawing Catholicism. And although the post-revolutionary state did outlaw the organized church, they did not...

Fidel-Castro- by Bill Monahan

"History will absolve me," is a famous line uttered by Fidel Castro at his trial prior to his successful revolution. Can that be true? Isn't Castro a monster, murderer, dictator, who has kept the population of Cuba trembling under this thumb for sixty years? Is that how history will remember him?
The first thing any news story mentions about Fidel is his alleged human rights abuses. The next thing it mentions is...

trans-pacific-partnershipThe Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound (BGOS) NDP has submitted a paper on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement to the federal consultation. We found that, while the TPP might benefit large livestock farmers in Bruce-Grey (hog, beef, sheep), it will not benefit workers here, principally because

Parliament2-by Richard Bonert

Thinking about changing the voting system for the Canadian Federal Parliament, I wish :
1. for a parliament where new political ideas or concepts can grow. That means where new parties can occur and grow as they contribute to our country. Small parties of a minimum size have often contributed well in Canada in the context of ...

miller open discussion- by Phil Henderson

On October 24th, in a letter published on The Hub, Larry Miller (MP) expressed his concern over an Agreement in Principle between the Algonquins of Ontario (AoO), the Government of Canada, and the Government of Ontario. While Mr. Miller writes that we "recently" learned about the Agreement addressing a longstanding land claim, he can hardly be ...


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