By Jon Farmer
The recent verdict in the Jian Gomeshi sexual assault trial brought the issue of sexual violence back into the headlines. The celebrity of this particular case provided unusual media attention but the issues it represents are highly stigmatized. Sexual violence is often ignored and viewed as a topic unfit for polite conversation. Although it is uncommon to talk about sexual violence openly, it affects a shocking number of...
-Sandra Stevenson
I am here today to support the option of keeping both OSCVI and West Hill Secondary School as Grade 7 to 12 schools. I would like to share several points to support this option as providing the best possible scenario for intermediate senior education in this board for the ...
My name is Natasha Cordick, and I am teacher at O.S.C.V.I. Last October, my initial reaction to the Accommodation Review was to support a 9 – 12 model. However, after thorough research, I'm here to speak against the current recommendation, and thus, support reconfiguring O.S.C.V.I. and WHSS into 7 – 12 schools, with French Immersion at O.S.C.V.I.
Research indicates that the optimum size for an elementary school is approximately 300 students, and approximately 600 - 800 students for a secondary school. Based on projected enrolment, the current recommendation would put well over 1200 students at WHSS (or over 1400 when using current enrolment) and between 800 – over 1000 elementary students at OSCVI (depending on how the grade 7/8 students are organized). This configuration results in movement away from the community school concept, and favours the development of mega-schools, a decision that may lead parents to seek out educational opportunities elsewhere.
Studies indicate that optimum sized schools are associated with more individualized attention, greater
-Ashley Warrilow
Good Evening Board Staff, Trustees, and members of the public.
There were many themes identified by board staff that arose during the public consultation period. Two recognized areas I wish to highlight tonight include the need for rural options and support of keeping groups together.
We want you to give the families at Derby who are being split apart the choice of sending their children to Arran-Tara elementary school with the majority of Derby students. We encourage you to consolidate Derby to keep the community together.
The current recommendation has displaced a small number of families from their respective school, forcing them out of their community of friends, family and neighbours. These families who are on the outer boundary of Arran-Tara Elementary are being singled out and sent to Hepworth or Hillcrest schools. They did not
- Lorelie Spencer
Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight. I would like to thank the participants in the Accommodation Review process for their professionalism and willingness to listen to everyone's positions with an open mind.
There is something to be said about commitment and passion. It's why all of us are in this room today, be it as an elected Official or parent. It is because we care.
In my Professional life, I am an Urban and Regional Planner. A Profession requiring long-term outlook and strategic planning in order to make recommendations to decision makers that reflect the matter at hand and, most importantly the context of the matter in future. Decisions must have regard to their long-term implication. In this Profession I have to address risk management, ensure the preservation of resources and direct growth and development to areas where development is appropriate. Long term planning is not optional. It is necessary.
It is disappointing to say the least that Derby School is back in this position, just over two years after the Board made the decision to keep the school open for five more years. Further interesting is the fact that the
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