- by Pat Kelly
Everybody understands the power of the Globe and Mail or the National Post but less recognized and appreciated is the power of the Owen Sound Hub and the dozens of other small, community newspapers just like it across Ontario.
There are clear reasons why the Hub and others continue to thrive - because the smaller the community, the more important its newspaper. ...
- by John Tamming
In a previous piece for The Hub, I attempted to summarize for the benefit of the ratepayers this past council’s achievements, as I see them. The editor reminded me that I neglected to address an issue close to my heart, namely, the high cost of operating our fire department. We have made progress in three areas ...
– by Bill Moses
Elon Musk has to be given a lot of credit for developing electric vehicles because it has forced the entire industry to get on board, using batteries for which he developed the technology.
His Space-X program has dramatically reduced the cost of transporting ...
The labour relations abyss and Conservatives in Canada are hardly strangers. After all, the last four decades of Conservative politics has within it the federal Harper Conservatives ordering postal workers back to work after locking them out, the Mike Harris’ Minister Tsobouchi suggesting that social assistance recipients on the receiving end of a 22% benefits cut could eat more tuna, and John Snobelen of that same Harris cabinet suggesting the way forward was to create an artificial crisis in education. In the same tone deaf manner ...
- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor
And then there are the newcomers. Every one of these candidates is running for office for the first time, and we are grateful for everything they bring to the table.
Thank you for your courage in ...
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