This morning, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker joined his party Leader Patrick Brown to present a six-point plan to clean up political financing in Ontario.
The proposal includes calling a Public Inquiry into the awarding of government contracts, grants and contributions to corporations and other entities who made donations to the governing party. It also includes establishing an all-party select committee, limiting third-party advertising, banning corporate and union donations, ending ministerial targets and fundraising, and strengthening lobbying restrictions.
"Serious allegations have been raised in the media as to the conduct of this government, and the perception is growing that it may have turned doing government business into a money-making machine for the Ontario Liberal Party," said Brown. "Integrity is the foundation of trust with the people of Ontario."
MPP Walker explained, "They rejected these changes three times over the past few years. They rejected it in October 2015 when they voted down my Private Member's Bill, they rejected it in 2013 when they voted against a bill by my colleague Rick Nicholls (MPP for Chatham-Kent-Essex), and they rejected it in 2011 when they voted down a bill introduced my colleague Ted Arnott (MPP for Wellington-Halton Hills).
In addition to the Inquiry, the PC Caucus is also asking for the creation of a Special Select Committee with equal representation from all parties to provide input from across the province, limits to third-party special interest advertising, a complete phase-out of union and corporate donations, an end to Ministerial fundraising targets, and a strengthening of Lobbying restrictions.
MPP Bill Walker, who has previously pushed for limits to third-party advertising added, "In the last election special interests purchased almost $9-million in political advertising. Ontario is the wild west of election financing. We believe that elections must be fair, where everyone gets a fair shot. As a result changes to election financing rules must include limits to this unaccountable spending that level the playing field for Ontarians."
The full language of the Ontario PC Caucus' plan can be found below:
- Immediately call a Public Inquiry into the allegations of government contracts, grants, and contributions being awarded to corporations and other entities who made donations to the governing party.
- Creation of a Special Select Committee with equal representation from all parties that will take public input at Queen's Park and across the province. This committee would also include the Integrity Commissioner, the Conflict of Interest Commissioner and the Chief Electoral Officer.
- Limit Third Party Advertising in line with other Canadian jurisdictions prior to the next election.
Completely phase out donations from corporations, unions, and associations from provincial politics (both for general and leadership elections) prior to the next election.
- Put an immediate end to fundraising targets by ministers and solicitation of funds from stakeholders within a Minister's portfolio.
- Strengthen Lobbying restrictions for ministers and their staff, including in-service rules and post-service cooling off periods.
source: media release, MPP Bill Walker