The Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Provincial and Federal NDP Riding Associations held their joint 2016 Annual General Meeting in Owen Sound on the evening of April 15, 2016.
Canadian journalist Michael Valpy gave a keynote address, speaking on the ethics of the media in political reporting and on the direction of the New Democratic Party after its Edmonton convention. In short, he said, the NDP remains the only political party in Canada that can formulate an alternative to the neo-liberal agenda of the Liberals and Conservatives.
Members present agreed that the BGOS Riding Association would continue to work on issues of concern tothe people in this riding, principally, the need for a living wage, economic development, affordable housing and reconciliation with First Nations.
President Michael McLuhan says the new Executive is reflective of the demographics of the Riding.
President: Michael McLuhan
Vice President (provincial): Michael Johnston
Vice President (federal): MaryAnn Wilhelm
Treasurer: Hugh Evans
Secretary & Membership: Karen Gventer
Youth Rep: Dawnais Wilhelm
Women's Rep: Colleen Purdon
Aboriginal Rep: Rachel Mason
Disability Rep: Ray Whitfield
Labour Council Rep: David McLaren
Provincial Council Rep: Gord Lawson
Provincial Council Rep: MaryAnn Wilhelm
Provincial Council Rep (alternate): Karen Gventer
Members at Large: Beverly Morley, Katherine Mann, Diane Owen, Ivan Smith, Marie Mason