


bavarian hut

On July 24, 2019 at approximately 4:20 p.m. the bay window of a closed restaurant located in the 700 block of 2nd Avenue East was suddenly damaged by two projectiles.

Patrol Officers and the Criminal Investigations Branch of the Owen Sound Police Service responded to the incident and initiated an investigation. Police quickly determined that the projectiles that penetrated the restaurant window were glass marbles.

A 25 year old man and a 20 year old woman, both of Owen Sound, were located and arrested by police in the downtown core approximately ten minutes after having committed the offence. The man was found in possession of a sling shot and a bag containing glass marbles. The women also had methamphetamine on her person.

The man, who was bound by a probation order, faces four charges including weapons offences and mischief not exceeding five thousand dollars.

The women was charged with possession of a controlled substance- Methamphetamine.

Both accused will face their charges in the Ontario Court of Justice in August of 2019.
Investigators are appreciative of the timely assistance of members of the public in this investigation.

The Owen Sound Police were in attendance to investigate, seen here on film taken by the staff of CTRE productions across the road.

source; media release, OSPS




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