


specialed- by Michael Craig, Owen Sound trustee, representing his opinions, not official BWDS Board policy

As a trustee on the Bluewater Public board since last year, and as a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), I have been inundated with data.  Dozens of reports tell me, for instance, about the work of our psychologists, mental health workers, attendance councillors and others:  the numbers of students they serve, the schools they visit and the number of total interactions.  All very informative, though after a 30-minute, non-stop presentation, it tends to be overwhelming.

But in my view what’s missing is data about outcomes. ...

holeinwall- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

I am back from a vacation in a country that is celebrating its 247th anniversary today. According to the pledge of allegiance to their flag, at least the version adopted in 1954, it is “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

But you can see it is a divided country, along many lines. And the cracks in our own community are becoming too obvious to deny.

callcentreAnyone who believes AI will be a boon hasn’t spent the last day negotiating a flight change with Air Canada. This morning, the difficulty was solved, after speaking with a lovely and effective human, in 11 minutes.

At the end of the call, she said, “You have such a nice voice - it calmed me right down!”

LoveLetter gay 7276165Dear Owen Sound ~

You might be feeling a little like your colours have dulled recently. Maybe you received a hurtful letter. Maybe someone took something from your home as it blew in the peacefulness of the night breeze.

As a result, maybe you woke up with a little less colour in your home, and a little more defeat so I want to share something with you that has always been meaningful to me ...

meafordpark - by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor

We receive media releases from seven municipalities. We don't always publish those that are about scheduled maintenance operations, but this one from the Municipality of Meaford (below) stood out as a great example of useful communication with residents. 

It came five days before the project is to begin, describes what the municipality is doing, and answers all the questions ...


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