Ross Romano, Minister of Colleges and Universities, was at Georgian College’s Owen Sound Campus to announce a new nursing education policy.
The Ontario government is making changes to permit both colleges and universities to offer Bachelor of Science in...
Back in high school, I loved physics right up until the last part of grade thirteen. Newtonian physics made sense to me. Wave theories made sense. But I started to ask why questions that stumped my teacher. And the closer to relativity ...
Re: Save Georgian Bay's presentation to Owen Sound Council about pumped energy storage (Feb 10)
Grid energy storage is absolutely essential to making green renewable energy practical and cost effective. We should be preliminarily supportive. This is exactly the kind of thing. . .
Dr. David Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health, has confirmed that the province's third case of the 2019 novel coronavirus is now resolved.
"On January 31, we reported a confirmed case located in London, Ontario. Additional testing has been conducted by both the Public Health...
Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce is a newly incorporated non-profit corporation committed to building an inclusive and welcoming Grey Bruce where differences are celebrated and no one is left behind.
The Board of Directors is holding a Launch and Lunch...
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